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November 2019

Alonso  Fernández María José
Álvarez García, Francisco
Álvarez Aldeán,  Javier
Álvez  González, Fernando
Baca Cots, Manuel
Bello,  Xabi
Bernaola  Iturbe, Enrique
Bont, Louis
Bonten, Marc
Bosch, Xavier
Bruni, Laia
Buttler, Rob
Cadenas Sobreira, Miguel Ángel
Calvo Rey, Cristina
Carracedo, Ángel
Castillo  Sánchez, José
Cortés Bordoy, Javier
Couceiro Gianzo, José
Dagan,  Ron
De  Gonje, Marien
Diez Domingo, Javier
Domínguez Hernández, Vicente
Eiros  Bouza, José M.
Esposito,  Susana
Farjas Abadía, Pilar
Faustmann, Denise
Findlow, Jamie
Finn, Adam
Fink, Colin
García  Cenoz, Manuel
García-Sastre,  Adolfo
Gessner,  Brad
Giaquinto,  Carlo
Gil  Prieto, Ángel
Giménez Sánchez, Francisco
Gómez Rial, José
Guiso, Nicole
Heikkinen,  Terho
Herbeg,  Jethro
Kaforou,  Myrsini
Kohn, Mel
Kremsner, Peter
Ladhami Shamez
Levin, Michael
Limia, Aurora
Llinares Mondejar, Pedro
Macía Cortiñas, Manuel
Marès Bermúdez, Josep
Martín Montañés, Carlos
Martinón Torres, Federico
Martinón  Sánchez José M.
McIntosh,  David
Moraga  Llop, Fernando A.  
Moreno  Pérez, David
Mosina, Liudmila
Ortigosa del Castillo, Luis
Ortiz de Lejarazu, Raúl
Osterhaus, Albert
Parashar, Umesh D.
Payne, Daniel
Parez,  Nathalie
Picazo de la Garza,  Juan
Pilishpvili, Tamara
Pollard, Andrew
Ramilo, Octavio
Rappuoli, Rino
Redondo, Esther
Redondo Collazo, Lorenzo
Rivero Calle, Irene
Rodrigues, Fernanda
Rojo Conejo, Pablo
Ruiz Aragón, Jesús
Ruíz  Contreras, Jesús
Salas Ellacuariaga, Antonio
Sánchez Lastres Juan
Shamez Ladhani
Simón, Fernando
Soriano, Toni
Sharland, Mike
Tomsa, Sergiu
Van Damme, Pierre
Vesikari, Timo
Whitney, Cynthia G.
D. José Peña GuitiánArmiñán, Láncara (Lugo), el 28 de agosto
de 1926,

Prof. D. José Peña Guitián

He is undoubtedly the father of modern Galician pediatrics and one of the greats of the specialty in Spain. He completed training stays in Brussels, Paris, London and Bonn. He was and is emeritus professor of Pediatrics, dean of Medicine and President of the Spanish Society of Pediatrics. Full member of the Royal Academy of Medicine.

The vast majority of pediatricians in Galicia were trained at his side and one of his priority concerns was to promote his close collaborators, who held and hold positions of the highest academic and health rank. It can be said that Professor Peña definitively put Pediatrics in Galicia at the forefront, as a determined promoter of pediatric specialties, which contributed decisively to raising the level of care and research.

From the latter's point of view, he made contributions in different areas, but always showed a special interest in metabolism, nutrition and endocrinology. He has received the most important regional, state and international honors and awards related to pediatrics.

Master Lectures "Prof. Dr. Peña"

In 2014 at TIPiCO V the Master Lecture “Professor Dr. Peña” appeared on the program for the first time. On this occasion, in which we had the presence of Dr. Peña, Professor Castillo was in charge of inaugurating this tribute to, in the words of Prof. José Mª Martinón, “the father of modern Galician pediatrics and one of the greats of this specialty in Spain.”

Title: The secrets of the brain revealed”

In subsequent editions...

Año: 2015 - TIPiCO VI - AdamFinn (United Kingdom)

Title: Big bugs have smaller bugs upon their backs to bite 'em. Small bugs have smaller bugs and so ad infinitum”

Año: 2016 - TIPiCO VII - Timo Vesikari (Finland)
Title: Who (should) cares norovirus?

Año: 2017 - TIPiCO VIII - Ron Dagan (Israel)
Title: Who Is a compromised host for Pneumococcal disease?

Año: 2018 - TIPiCO IX - Adolfo García-Sastre (US)
Title: Do we have an universal solution for influenza virus infections?

Dr. Ferrero (Dcha)
Dr. Federico Martinón (Izda)

Dr. Ferrero

Javier Ferrero (Palencia, 1943-2016), fue neumólogo, de los que “escuchan” no solo el tórax, y desempeñó su labor comoJefe de Servicio del Hospital de Liencres (Santander), y además como Profesor de la Escuela Departamental de Sanidad de Cantabria. Pero además fue un mago, capaz de trucos tan difíciles como sacar dos padres de uno, o facilitar sin aparente esfuerzo la vida diaria de todos los que le rodearon.

Resúmen ponencias Seminario Dr. Ferrero
  • Seminario interactivo “Dr. Javier Ferrero” Chaired by: Antonio Salas Ellacuriaga Cracking the code of infectious  and inflammatory diseases – Myrsini Kaforou(Greece).
  • Seminario interactivo “Dr. Javier Ferrero”:Iniciamos el Seminario interactivo “Dr. Javier Ferrero el año 2017 durante el TIPiCO VIII cuando Federico Martinón y Jóse Gómez Rial nos explicaron: The (almost) magic properties of vaccines.
  • El año pasado, durante el TIPiCO IX Antonio Salas, JoseGómez Rial y Federico Martinón nos hicieron pasar un momento súper divertivo intentando resolver las enfermedades infecciosas a través de las“ómicas” con Infectomics: solving ID through the host“omics”.

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